Adopt a tree
Join the conservation of theTropical Dry Forest

Select the number of trees you want to adopt and make your payment

Send us the personalized information for your certificate

You will receive your digital adoption certificate with information about your tree

You will also receive a discount coupon to visit the Reserve and your tree
Adopt a tree in 4 steps

Adopting a tree is...
A gift of life for you,
for someone you love, to celebrate a special
moment or to honor the memory of someone who left us.
Adopting a tree in our
Nature Reserve includes:
Maintenance and monitoring of your tree
Your certificate
A Digital Tree Adoption Certificate

About your tree, including a photography, illustration and its´ GPS location

Reduced rate
To visit the Reserve and make a guided walk
Trees give us so much to be thankful for...
Trees are incredible beings that produce part of the oxygen we breathe, feed us, are home to thousands of species, regulate the climate and are also part of impressive landscapes.

Why adopt trees in our Nature Reserve
We are a Nature Reserve registered with Natural Parks of Colombia, with more than 10 years working for the conservation of the Tropical Dry Forest.
Your tree will be part of a protected forest, a refuge for wild animals, where fresh water is abundant and endangered species find a safe home..
Your tree will be part of a protected natural area so that future generations can enjoy its benefits.
Katty Ropero

How do we take care of adopted trees?

You will adopt a native tree that has grown spontaneously in the Reserve. We make sure your tree will remain free from vegetation and barriers that hinder its development and survival throughout the adoption period.
To guarantee the survival of the adopted trees, we also make fire barriers and build fences which prevent the entry of cattle from neighbouring properties that can cause damage to the trees.

Why Assisted Natural Regeneration?
Our experience has shown us that the best way to recover forests and their biodiversity is to work hand in hand with nature.
The wind, insects, birds and mammals disperse the seeds from the natural forest patches in our Reserve, initiating a spontaneous and natural process of regeneration of degraded areas. Natural regeneration of the forest is much more effective and efficient than planting trees to reforest, as the percentage of survival of planted seedlings is very low.
We promote assisted natural regeneration, in which we accelerate the natural process of forest regeneration, eliminating threats to the growth and survival of native trees that have grown spontaneously.
However, to further enrich the ecosystem, during the rainy season we selectively plant certain vulnerable and pioneer native tree species.
About your adoption

What does adopting a tree contribute to the ecosystem?You help create habitat for vulnerable wildlife species. The adopted trees are part of an ecosystem that, in addition to hosting a great biodiversity, offers vital services such as water and clean air for all.
What type of tree can I adopt in the Reserve?Native species of the Tropical Dry Forest and of great ecological importance such as Tananeos, Ceibas, Caracolies, Cedros, Macondo, Guáimaro, Pereguetano, among others.
Is it possible to visit my tree?Of course! As a donor, you have preferential rates to enter the Reserve to visit your adopted tree. Once the tree is adopted, you will receive a discount coupon for one visit, which covers the value of the entrance fee to the Reserve for one person. When you visit your tree you take the opportunity to take a guided walk and learn about the incredible nature in the Reserve. Keep in mind that for the safety of the visitors, all visits must be accompanied by a local guide from the Reserve and its cost must be assumed by the visitors. Visits to the Reserve are a source of income that helps us to continue carrying out conservation work in the tropical dry forest. Check the rates and book your visit here.
How can know where my tree is located?In addition to your Digital Adoption Certificate, we will send you the journal of your tree with a photograph, name of the species and its GPS location so that you can locate it on any virtual map.
Why Native trees?Native trees have evolved for thousands of years, adapting to the conditions of the forest, creating multiple relationships with thousands of animal and plant species typical of their specific area.
Do I have to renew my donation every year?It is not mandatory, but we invite you to choose the annual adoption - so we will protect one more tree in your name every year.
What does my donation include when adopting a tree?The economic contribution we receive when you adopt a tree enables us maintain and care for your tree during the adoption period. We also built fire barriers that reduce the risk of fire and installed fences that prevent the entry of cattle from neighboring properties that could put the survival of the trees at risk.
Do I have to be in Colombia to adopt a tree in the Reserve?No, you can adopt a tree from anywhere in the world! And you will receive all the information and the photo of the tree you adopt in digital format.
Will I receive a certificate of my adoption?Yes. Once you have paid for your adoption, we will ask you for the necessary information to create your certificate, which you will receive within the following 24 hours (48 hours on weekends).
Can I get a gift certificate for tax deduction?Yes, you can. We are a non-profit organization and we are able to certify donations for tax deduction. Once you adopt trees in our Reserve, you can write to reserva@tananeos.org and request your donation certificate. We will send it to the email you provide us.
Are there any tax benefits if I adopt trees?In Colombia, money invested in conservation and restoration of forests are tax-deductible (31% for 2021). For more information see artículo 107 del estatuto tributario Colombiano, or consult your local tax advisor.